U3DC.COM | 优三帝研究院



Profiler 分析器
Loading Resources at Runtime在运行时装入资源
Modifying Source Assets Through Scripting通过脚本修改源资产
Update Order 更新指令
Shadows in Unity Unity中的阴影
Directional Shadow Details方向阴影细节
Troubleshooting Shadows阴影疑难解答
Shadow Size Computation阴影大小计算
Optimizing Graphics Performance优化图形性能
Modeling Optimized Characters模型优化人物
Optimizing for integrated graphics cards优化集成图形卡
Rendering Statistics Window渲染统计窗口
Reducing File Size减小文件大小
Web Player Streaming WEB播放器流
Web Player Deployment WEB播放器部署
HTML code to load Unity content HTML代码装入Unity内容
Customizing the Unity Web Player loading screen自定义Unity WEB播放器装入屏幕
Customizing the Unity Web Player's Behavior自定义Unity WEB播放器行为
Unity Web Player and browser communication Unity WEB播放器和浏览器通信
Detecting the Unity Web Player using browser scripting使用浏览脚本检测Unity WEB播放器
Publishing active content发布活动内容
Web Player Debugging WEB播放器调试
Plugins - Pro only feature插件—专业版唯一功能
Build Player Pipeline编译播放器管道
Command line arguments命令行参数
Shaders: Getting started阴影:开始
Shaders: Vertex and Fragment Programs阴影:顶点和片段程序
Graphics Emulation图形仿真
Network Emulation网络仿真
Visual Studio C# Integration Visual Studio C#集成
Using External Version Control Systems with Unity 使用Unity的扩展版本控制系统

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