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The Unity Profiler helps you to optimize your game. It reports for you how much time is spent in the various areas of your game. For example, it can report the percentage of time spent rendering, animating or in your game logic.


The profiler was added at Unity version 2.6. It is a Unity Pro feature. 分析器是加在Unity版本2.6里。这是一个Unity专业版的功能。

You can play your game in the Editor with Profiling on, and it will record performance data. The Profiler window then displays the data in a timeline, so you can see the frames or areas that spike (take more time) than others. By clicking anywhere in the timeline, the bottom section of the Profiler window will display detailed information for the selected frame.

你可以在编辑器里播放你的游戏并开启分析,它将记录性能数据。 分析器窗口然后在一个时间线里显示数据,因此可以看到框架或区域,峰值(需要更多的时间)超过其它的。按一下在任何时间,该事件分析器窗口底部的部分将显示选定的帧的详细信息。

Note that profiling has to instrument your code. This instrumentation has a small impact on the performance of your game. Typically this overhead is small enough to not affect the game framerate. When using profiling it is typical to consider only the ratio (or percentage) of time spent in certain areas. Also, to improve performance focus on those parts of the game that consume the most time. Compare profiling results before and after code changes and determine the improvements you measure. Sometimes changes you make to improve performance might have a negative effect on frame rate; unexpected consequences of code optimization should be expected.


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